Wednesday, April 21, 2010

I feel a chill coming on...

I have felt this week, a lot less harried. I am not sure why the sudden lack of "stess and nervousness" but I am grateful for the relief. I have "chilled out":) I am not sure that this is what my personal business needs at this time, but I know that it is what my personal life needs right now. Sometimes just "being" is enough:)

Thursday, April 1, 2010

Why can't I turn it off?

I seem to always be on. Thinking, doing, planning. It is sooo hard for me to just sit, relax, enjoy, stop. I wouldn't call this a bad trait. I think that being on, is sign of drive and intelligence. But it can be tough on those you love. My son wonders why he gets on my nerves so easily, and my husband thinks that I am always mad at him. I'm just....busy. Not good huh? We are going away for the weekend...maybe that will help?