Friday, November 4, 2011

You Didn't Ask...But Here Goes Anyway

No one asked me my opinion, but I figure I'll give it anyway. Why? Because I want to. I spend a lot of time NOT voicing my opinion for the sake of keeping-the-peace. I also am a person who's personality isn't such that I always need to be right (my husband may argue that:)so I just sit and say nothing. It's easier to say nothing. No one cares anyway. And words won't change the world: Only actions can do that. I am a woman of action not words. So, there you have it. That's what I think....that's my opinion. Wanna know more about what I think? What I really think? You'll have to ask;)

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Here I AM

I haven't been posting enough...and I am ashamed:( Just another reason to feel less competant, and to belittle myself for NOT doing something that I SHOULD be doing...
It's easy for a perfectionist to fall into that mind set. I have to "be all" "do all", and "have all". Some weeks I deal with this issue better than others. This week is "easy breezy". I don't know how or why I have come upon this mindset, but I am glad for it! I do not care that the family's laundry is about to carry us away, or that I have so much to clean, and soo little time. Instead, I have crawled back into bed after taking my son to school, and watched TV, or gone back to sleep.....I know...! What could possibly keep a MOM from cleaning, scrubbing, wipeing, dusting, laundering, vacuuming, spritzing, and fluffing!Well, I can not take it anymore (for this week). I have had ENOUGH. But even the harshness of my tone is not true this is just acted out, because I know that it is just....I (for this week) do not care! I will do what I can/want to do, or not. I will say what I will, and if it all works out for the better/or be it. You would think that I am taking some sort of pill, say Prozac....but no. It's just my moods. I wonder what next week will bring? My poor husband and son....they never know what personality will show up to the party....Good for them for hanging on to see what's around the bend. Thank God Men are adventurists!

Thursday, January 13, 2011

A New Year....

So, I wasnt going to be one those people who makes New Year resolutions, and then doesnt follow through. But, because I am a business woman, I have made GOALS for this year:) Using the steps and advice from, I set to work in planning my year. I found that it is very hard to specifically narrow down my goals. I want to be more successful than last year, and I know what will basically get me there. What I am not sure of is "HOW MUCH" success I am looking for....I want to be as successful as I can be. I am going to give it my all, and see what it gets me. I do have certain "no-less-thans" that I am shooting for. But I dont want to limit my success by putting a cap on it.
When I started this business, I didn't look too much into the "numbers", as far as commissions and rank titles. I just figured that I'd do my best, have fun, and see what it got me. And that has worked for me. If you like what you do, and give it all you've got....Success will come.
"Success is relative, and subjective." Felicia Sawyer Nov. 16,2010
Relative to where I am now, and where I want to be. And subjective to the individual's goals.